Sunday 6 April 2014

Andrew Von Lawrence Presents: Mokaface

The synopsis:
So this is the very first video that I made with my new camera setup, so naturally, it is absolutely terrible. Making it was quite entertaining though, and I already feel much more comfortable with a camera between my hands than I did just 24 hours ago. The video in itself showcases the dramatic after-school routine of a 19-year-old cinephile, and it deals with classic movie themes such as indecisiveness, addiction, laziness and dreadful singing voices. 

The "production": 
Being the movie-making beginner that I am, I started off the editing process by accidentally deleting all of my footage, which meant that I had to shoot the entire thing all over again. The fact that it only took me about 60 minutes to do so made this slight bump in the road more of an inconvenience than a full fleshed disaster, and a lot of the shots ended up coming out far better during the second round of shooting than they did during the first. I guess this is pretty natural given how little experience I still have, so in a way, having all my clips disappear sort of was a blessing in disguise. As far as I can see, the shadow of my microphone is only visible once or twice during the whole 2-3 minutes of the video, which is pretty damn good if I have to say so myself!

You can find this video as well as a few others on my Youtube channel.

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