A wild idea appeared!:
I do not watch a lot of cartoons or animated shows/movies anymore, but for some random reason, I recently wanted to try and make one myself. As with most ideas, the inspiration behind this one kind of came out of the blue, and as ever, the story ended up being completely different from what I had initially intended. This probably is the quote on quote "best" skit I have made to date though, seeing as I ended up investing way more time into making it than any other project so far. I just pray that putting a piece of copyrighted Hans Zimmer music in it will not motivate the NSA have to me executed or something.
Andrew used editing!:
My guess would be that this 5 minute video took about 15 hours to create, the biggest time consumer by far being the editing process. For some reason it did not occur to me that taking still pictures would be the easiest way to go about making a stop motion cartoon such as this one, and as such, I ended up having around five hundred small clips that all had to be trimmed down and matched together. Even though this particular video only runs at four frames per second, creating just under a thousand 0,25 second clips was a major pain.
It's not very effective...:
Apart from switching to still pictures, the next cartoon I make will be shot on a desk or a chair or something, and not on my goddamn bedroom floor. After three hours of sitting on the carpet rotating small paper stars and moving badly drawn dinosaur carcasses half a centimeter per frame, my spine and my ass were basically ready for amputation. It was hilarious. Seriously though, I did have a good time making this video, and stop motion is definitely a technique I will be working with again in the future.
You can find this video as well as a few others on my Youtube channel.
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